Don't judge a book by it's cover.

A lesson that I used to grow tired of in highschool. Everytime a new English teacher came into our classroom, the lesson was innevitable.
We talked about the subject so much that I actually thought I would never "judge a book by it's cover". Unfortunately is kinda' impossible. I guess it's in our nature to categorise shit exactly how we see it, without taking the time to search within it's core, and this is mostly because of sayings like "time is money" and "life is a race with the clock".

I won't blame you for "judging a book by it's cover" 'cause I can't get it out of my sistem either. I tried when I was younger but when I stoped to take a look around ..... I realised that it's just a good subject of discussion and nothing else.
There are exceptions, as allways, but to few to mention. Most of the time life is exactly as you see it, be it shity or preety. When a gipsy walks towards an italian and feels discriminated maybe he should first look in a mirror and then judge the italian for securing his wallet.
If I walk in a bank wearing shorts and a t-shirt I could never get the welcome and the attitude as I would get if I walked in wearing a suit.
Of course you shouldn't believe all the stuff you hear in movies, because you'll never hear the doorbell and open the door to see a french guy saying : "Hello, my name is Pierre, I am from Paris, I have come to have sex with your family :) ! " of yeah and not all italians say : "Ciao!" , I'm preety sure most of them say "Bon giorno" :P.
I almost forgot : not all turkish people sell furniture, bulgarians don't eat cucumbers all the time and not all african-americans love chicken :) .

I would finish by saying we should try harder, but I would just be kidding myself, and bullshiting you :) . Anyway I still hope I didn't type this crap for nothing .

5 comentarii:

Roxana Costea spunea...

eteeee la el, ne-am dat în scris în ingliş. Iaca eu aştept varianta dividirip cu subtitrare să i-o dau şi lu' ăsta mic, ca el nu le arde prea bine cu engleza. Al'dată să bagi si subtitrare, ia?

Ionut spunea...

:) o sa incerc, pana atunci ma bucur ca ai citit macar tu :D

Glory Box spunea...

Nu mai stiu exact la ce curs de la facultate ni s-a spus: prima impresie se face in primele 20 de secunde. Parerea mea totusi: take a stept back, then a deep breath, and start asking questions. Bineinteles, asta nu functioneaza intotdeauna :) Si nici n-ar fi cazul sa functioneze.

Roxana Costea spunea...

io eu... si andreea :) estem doua

Ionut spunea...

Da :D , am aflat ieri ca imi mai citesc si altii articolele, doar ca nu se obosesc sa lase un comentariu :)